MSW with IGG panels

MSW sliding panel IGG * Basic element of a movable glass partitioning wall in IGG design

MSW with IGG Suitable for internal application and in the protected exterior area, with movable glass partition walls. Has a high quality architectural design claim and is combinable with all other element types.
  • Circumferential integrated profile to accommodate the functional units
  • Continuous glass surface - no profile visible
  • High-quality architectural design standard
  • ESG 6 mm or 8 mm applicable glued on both sides with profile
  • Element weight up to 125 kg
  • Can be combined with all other element types
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Application Areas

  • Movable glass partitioning walls
  • Internal and protected external area
  • Can be used for linear axis profiles
  • Can be used up to 3500 mm clear height
  • Can be used up to 1500 mm element width


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